Baltimore Dragonboat Club

Group Classes - In-Gym PT - Outdoor - Virtual

Clients for 13+ Years
Average Session/Week: 2

From Ousa, BDBC Team Member:

Rick Logan has been training members of the Baltimore Dragonboat Club for over 13 years. Our club has boasted members aging from 10 thru 70 years old, from NCAA athletes, to heart attack and cancer survivors. Over time he’s worked with many of them some times in groups as large as 20. It started with the idea that we could not be our best selves on the water if we didn’t put in work while we’re off it. It seemed like an obvious concept, the best athletes cross trained outside of their sports to improve their performance.

Rick made sure that as long as we showed up to the session, we got the work done. It didn’t matter what mood you were in, what injury you had there was always a way to get your workout in. You are going to sweat. He always had an exercise alternative for every injury, always a mix of strength, cardio or HIIT. He always kept it fun and there’s always music to help distract you from any temporary pain.

When COVID hit us, we pivoted from in-person to virtual workouts via Zoom. As the pandemic progressed, Rick moved us to outdoor workout and finally back to indoors as it proved safe. He still trains many of us today.


Speaking from personal experience, Rick has trained me 1x1 for years. Every workout is thoroughly planned and tailored to your needs. He’s been such a positive influence on my life and personal wellbeing.

From getting in shape for my wedding 10 years ago to most recently in 2024 helping me hit one of my bucket list items, competing at the Club Crew World Championships of Dragonboat.

Simply put, you cannot ask for a better personal trainer than Rick. Just don’t let him play Flower by Moby during tabata…your legs will thank me.

Visit the BDBC Website


Hanson PT

